2015年3月18日 星期三

Ciara - I Bet 中文歌詞

Ciara - I Bet(youtube)

I bet you start loving me 我打賭你已經開始愛我了
Soon as I start loving someone else 就在我愛上其他人時
Somebody better than you 那個人比你好多了
I bet you start needing me 我篤定你已經開始需要我了
Soon as you see me with someone else 就在你看道我跟其他人時
Somebody other than you 那個人永遠不會是你
And I know that it hurts 我知道這很傷人
You know that it hurts your pride 也很傷你的自尊
But you thought the grass was greener on the other side(諺語) 但你永遠不知足
I bet you start loving me 我打賭你已經開始愛我了
Soon as I start loving someone else 就在我愛上其他人時
Somebody better than you 那個人比你好多了

So I'm supposed to believe that it's Fellini's calling' your phone?我該呆呆的以為那是外送打來的電話嘛
I'm supposed to believe that they're asking' you if you're home 我該無要無緊的以為她們只是簡單問候嘛
I wasn't born yesterday, not me, can't get that over me, not me 我不是三歲小孩 沒有那麼好打發
I love you but I won't be a fool for you 我愛你 但不致於為你當個蠢蛋
That is just something' that I wouldn't do, babe 有些事不值得我為你
I mean I would stay if you could tell the truth如果你願意告訴我實情 我願在你身邊 好好傾聽
But you can't, no matter how much time I ask 但你不肯打開的的心房 不論我問了上千萬次

Is that your bitch over there giving me the ugly stare 那個給我冷冷一瞪的她 就是你所謂的寶貝嘛
The one with the silicone ass, and the Brazilian hair? 是那個有著人工翹臀和黑亮的秀髮的女生嘛
You ain't gon' respect me no no no till I'm not there 我不在你身邊  你才懂得尊重我
See, I got you comfortable, now you ain't really scared 我讓你輕鬆自在 但你不怕失去這種感覺

So you bought me a car, he can buy that too 你以為天底下只有你有能力買車送我嘛
I can take care of myself and I can find someone to do it too, baby 我可以獨立生活 甚至找的人來為我做牛做馬
You actin' like you upgrading me, I upgraded you表面上是你照亮我 其實是我在幫你撐腰
You and me Fashion Week at Paris, I put you on to that new 是我讓你成為宛如伸展台上的焦點
But you took advantage of, you took advantage of, you took advantage 你只是在占我的便宜而已
I cannot understand it, I cannot understand it, I cannot understand it 我無法瞭解
I thought you'd always be there for me, yeah yeah 你怎麼為想離開我 選擇別人
But if you ask me if I knew better now, hell yeah 如果你問我是否懂得你的立場 我一定天殺的回答你

Baby, tell me what's it, gonna take to keep it 告訴我事實吧 不用隱瞞
All the way one hundred 就算有100種說法
You won't get it 'til I'm gon' away (away) 你永遠不明白 就算我不再回來

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 嘔不
I hate, I hate that I'm singing this song, singing this song 我真的不喜歡唱這首歌
‘Cause I love you 因為我愛你
Yeah I love you 無法控制我自己的愛著你
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh 嘔不
I’m all cried out 我早已崩潰了

 I’m all tried out 而且累壞了
I’m all fired out 並且用盡全力去挽回你的心

Right now it’s killing me 這一點一滴正侵蝕著我的心
'Cause now I have to find someone else 我必須找人來填補我心中的空洞
When all I wanted was you.而那個空洞就是你


